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We would like to thank each student who comes by and encourages us.  Many write us little notes during the outreaches on the college campuses. We read all those notes and keep them.

We would like to post them all at our website but space will not allow us.  Just know that the encouragement you've given us has meant a lot to us and please keep us in your prayers.

If you are a UGA student, please feel free to contact us for a cup of coffee and Bible Study sometimes.


Brother John,

Thanks so much for all your efforts to share the truth of God with others.  My fiancee and I are both Philosophy majors. It is very refreshing to hear someone preach with solid arguments and a vast understanding of modern philosophical arguments.  We are thankful that there are people in this world doing great deeds like yourself.

All the Best,

Kurt & Alli, Univ of Georgia

Blessings to you my Brother. 

Continue to preach the Gospel in the fullness of the love of Christ.  Preach the truth no matter how hard it is for the lost of the saved to hear it. 

Grace and Peace to You in Our Love Jesus,

Jacob, Univ of Georgia

To: Brother John
Subject: Your ministry

I want you to know that what you did today at UT Martin served its purpose. I am sure that you reach the minds of some people. I was one of them.

I was very active in my church in High School and when I came to college I slacked off. I was the V-pres of Middle TN Methodist youth for a year and a half. And the president of my youth group for 3 years. Here lately I have found my self questioning God and the writings of the Bible.

I want to have true faith and I try to lead a good life. I have many downfalls and I don't know how to get them out of the way. On the other hand I regret many things that I have done in the past. I have changed my self in the hope of leading a good Christian life. Do you have any advice?


My name  is Fred and I saw Brother John & Sister Ellen at the University of Wyoming in September [2001]. 

When you came to our campus I noticed a large crowd screaming and decided to see what the commotion was all about.  After hearing the message that God was giving through Brother John I came under great conviction and God revealed to me the lukewarm way in which I was going about my Christian life.  I soon became part of a great Bible study on campus and have died to sin so that I may live through Christ for the Glory of God!!!  Thank Brother John for your rebuke of my sinful ways and praise be to God that I now live through Christ.

God Bless you and your ministry

From: Huifang

Dear Brother John:

It was nice to seeing you at UNM campus ( preaching gospel).  I accepted Jesus Christ 1.5 years ago. Most time, we preach gospel to our fellow Chinese students.

Many young people in this country have forgotten the founders of the country, and take everything for granted. They need gospel.

May the Lord be with you.


Hi my name is Wesley and I am a student at East Carolina
University in Greenville, NC where you just visited yesterday. I wanted to say a couple of things. First off I wanted to apologize at how angry and hostile some of the crowd there seemed. Fortunately a few do not reflect the views of all. I really was blessed by the message you guys brought with you. As a result, as of today, I have decided to stop smoking. Thank you so much for coming and please if you are ever in the Greenville area again stop by. I listened to you guys for over 3 hours! God Bless all of you.

Wesley (ECU)