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Bro. John felt the call to start preaching in the Open-Air in 1988 at the University of Alabama where he attended school. He was a Campus Pastor at the University of Louisiana in Monroe, and at Auburn University where he met his wife Ellen (read their testimony here). In April of 1998, Bro. John and Sis. Ellen answered the call to go full time "into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled" (Luke 14:23). So they stepped out by faith, selling most of their possessions and moving from campus to campus in an RV. During this time they learned a lot (sometimes through trial and error) and experienced God's blessings living totally by faith as the Lord met all of their financial needs, many times through unexplainable and amazing events. They traveled through 34 states, preached in over 90 different college campuses and 5 foreign countries. They have no association with other street or open-air
preachers. Bro. John and Sis. Ellen believe in being accountable and submitting to a local church and have done so for all of their lives since coming to Christ. Pastors, elders, a district superintendent for the region, and a national general overseer (bishop) are godly men who personally know them and speak into their lives on a regular basis, besides many other friends and pastors who keep them accountable. They pastored 2 works from 2010 to 2015, 24/7 Athens CH and Faith Tabernacle CH Church. In 2015 they felt the call to be more involved in Foreign Missions with a particular emphasis in the country of Brazil. They are currently on a church planting mission establishing the Awaken Church in Jacksonville, AL, and work with Sound From Heaven Campus Ministry at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL. Sis. Ellen was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and came to the USA as an exchange student in 1989. It was during her stay with her host family that she came to know Jesus Christ. She graduated from Auburn University in 1997 with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Sis. Ellen has been preaching on campuses and streets since 1995. Bro. John and Sis. Ellen long to see Jesus Christ presented in a FULL
Gospel. They are unashamedly Pentecostal and regularly see the Holy Ghost
being manifest in their meetings through His gifts, both inside churches
and outside in the streets and in the open-air. They believe that "without
holiness, no man shall see the Lord" and do not subscribe to the usual
traditions and customs attributed to certain holiness "sects."
For several years I tried to argue people into the Kingdom. But after frustrating debates I found out that "whatever the heart embraces, the mind justifies" (G. Bahnsen). Because of the bias against God already in the heart of the sinner, the arguments would be endless on both sides with very little fruit and much frustration. Signs and wonders were given to validate the message of repentance and holiness of the Bible. Jesus told His disciples to BOTH preach AND heal the sick, cast out devils, and raise the dead (Matt 10:7-8, Luke 10:8-9). It is a "Show and Tell" Gospel. The Lord spoke to my heart: "Where the miracles begin, the argument ends." Apologetics and argumentation have their place in evangelism. But let's not stop there. This generation needs more than just words. Let's also show them the God of the Bible. He is real, He is alive, and He wants to make Himself known. - John Duncan |